Koyuncu Kimya - Klor Alkali Üretim Tesisi

About US

  • About US
About US Koyuncu Chemical - Chlor Alkali Production Facility



About US

As Koyuncu Chemical, operating proudly under the robust and innovative umbrella of Koyuncu Group, we strive to maintain our leadership in chemical production and deliver world-class products adhering to eco-friendly, sustainable production principles. Our state-of-the-art facility has been meticulously designed to incorporate the latest technology without compromising on quality.


Our Chlor-Alkali facility employs the renowned Ineos Bipolar Electrolyzer, equipped with 42 cells and filemion 9010 membranes to ensure the highest quality standards. Our dedicated team of professionals combines their industry expertise to enhance the quality of our production and meet customer expectations with dedication.


We source our raw material, high-purity salt, from our own Salt Lake. With an annual production capacity, we maintain our industry leadership by producing a maximum of 50,000 tons of sodium hypochlorite, a maximum of 12,000 tons of hydrochloric acid, and 12,500 tons of sodium hydroxide.


At Koyuncu Chemical, we remain open to technological innovations, prioritize environmental sustainability, and uphold customer satisfaction as the focal point of our approach. We appreciate your interest and trust, assuring you that we will continue our efforts to deliver even better solutions.


Our Products

Usage Areas

Petrol Endüstrisi

Petroleum Industry

Kimya Endüstrisi

In Chemical Industry

Su Arıtma Endüstrisi

Water Purification Industry

Kâğıt Endüstrisi

Paper Industry

Alüminyum Endüstrisi

Aluminum Industry

Tekstil Endüstrisi

Textile Industry

Gıda Endüstrisi

Food Industry

İlaç Endüstrisi

Pharmaceutical Industry


Years of Company Experience


Area of Use


Expert Staff


Tons of Production

Koyuncu Cehmical
Promotion Film